Remember me
Цёмныя вочы
Усьмешка твая, як блакітнае неба ў брыльянтах
Што за таемнасць хавае гэты пакутлівы зрок?
Пранікнуць у тайну тваю я нездольны, няздатны
Быццам ў душы тваёй не ўтаймуецца болю камок.
Аддай мне хоць частку, пазыч мне пакуты балючай,
Ты, скарб мой бясцэнны, адзіная радасць мая
Ніяк не знаходжу чароўнай падтрымкі гаючай,
Засмейся, як сонца, як неба, з табой засмяюся і я.
Засмейся і свет засмучоны з табе засмяецца
І боль твой пякучы зляціць у нбёсы, як дым
Я буду з табой, ад цябе мне нікуды не дзецца,
Дзяліся ж са мной весялосцю сваёй і журбой.
Давай жа ўзляцім удваіх у бязмежнае неба.
Не трэба тужыь, мой каханы, не трэба, не трэба.
Dark Eyes
The grace of your smile a diamond laced sky.
The pain that shows in the dark of your eyes.
Fears that you swallow, hidden from view.
The tears of frustration that wash over you.
I would share your pain if I were able to.
You are a treasure so wonderful, so rare,
You carry your burden as if without a care.
The sunshine and the laughter, the sense
Of fun that shines through, and yet
I would wear your pain if I were able to.
I would help you fly away from here,
And soar on high through intoxicating splendour,
Catching your breath in trails of blue,
And though you would be free,
I would still carry your pain if I were able to.
Freedom River
So you let me go, but I can’t be free,
There’s a shadow above looking down on me,
A pain in my heart that I just can’t see
The years I’ve lost washing over me.
These chains will last forever if I don’t break free.
Still standing here after all this time,
Hoping and praying that you’ll still be mine,
Think I realise that I’m out of time’
Need to break through the cloud hanging over me,
These chains will last forever if I don’t break free.
I’ll take a trip to the river to set me free,
Wash away my pain and the misery,
Wash you out of my skin and the ties that tether,
Going to cleanse my heart in the freedom river.
There’s a cold wind blowing and a chill inside,
There’s a heart on fire but it’s not mine,
A world of pain that doesn’t ease with time,
I’m still struggling to find the real me,
These chains will last forever if I don’t break free.
I’ll take a trip to the river to set me free,
Wash away my pain and the misery,
Wash you out of my skin and the ties that tether,
Going to cleanse my heart in the freedom river.
If I could forget about you, believe me I would,
Wouldn’t want to linger on someone no good,
I’ve a need to run, a need to feel free,
With the sun on my face to intoxicate me,
Finally broke those chains and set myself free.
I’ll take a trip to the river now that I’m free
I’ve washed away my pain and my misery,
Washed you out of my skin, broke the ties that tether
I’ve been re-born in the freedom river.
The Willow Tree
We sheltered underneath the willow tree
As the rain danced across the sky
Blown by a southerly wind that tormented those dark clouds on high
Our faces were lit with sunshine, that radiated from within
Shining in our brilliance, our love our reason for being
The branches of our willow bowed in sensuous rhythm
Stretching for the river below us to caress the flowing water
It’s fingers creating ripples that rushed along the bank
While ours entwined together, lovers holding hands
We stood together in silence, listening to our tree
As she whispered and sighed in the green grass
A magical voice that embraced us, unheard by all around
Invisible to others on this our precious ground
This landscape of wonder and beauty held in the palm of our hands
Shared by just the two of us in sweet moments of paradise
Our willow tree so beautiful as she danced upon the wind
Holding her lovers in a gentle embrace, sheltered from within