Rashida Yusufee

Страна: Таджикистан

Рашида. Начинающий писатель. Пишет на английском и русском языках. Рашида родилась в городе Душанбе. Она выросла в интеллигентной советской семье. С раннего детства ей твердили, что нужно хорошо учиться и стремиться к саморазвитию. В 2009 году с отличием окончила Кипрский Университет и получила степень бакалавра по бизнес-администрированию. Рашида 5 лет работала в банковской сфере. Она начинала свою карьеру в качестве стажера и доросла до начальника отдела по оценке и мониторингу в немецком банке. Параллельно, она получила второе образование в Таджикском Национальном Университете по банковскому делу. В 2013-2015 годах, Рашида уехала в Германию и получила там степень магистра по бизнес-администрированию (MBA). Вернувшись на родину после учебы, Рашида решила все начать с нуля и последние несколько лет была в поиске себя. Она ни раз меняла сферу своей деятельности. Она трудилась в международных организациях на разных позициях: менеджером проектов, специалистом в отделе по управлению человеческими ресурсами, финансистом и внутренним аудитором. Рашида посетила Турцию, Германию, Францию, Испанию, Венгрию, Швейцарию, Дубай, Россию. В 2019 году Рашида начала заниматься творчеством. В 2022 году Рашида стала финалистом конкурса Открытая Евразия в категории малая проза. Также, в прошлом году, она получила призовое 2ое место в конкурсе по написанию эссе на тему Женщины – героины Таджикистана. У нее мечта — написать книгу, которая будет полезна людям. Эл.почта: Yusufee.rashidaa@gmail.com Facebook и instagram: Rashida Yusufee

Country: Tajikistan

Отрывок из детской прозы “Travelling with the bear”

This is a story about a brave and kind bear. Throughout his life he used to meet different kind of other animals. Some were his besties, other were enemies. At some point, he lost his loved one. But despite of difficulties he had; he could overcome them. His pure heart helped him to express his mercifulness and be patient.

Here is how it started.

A small cute bear was walking in the forest. His name was Tom. His parents were from the Central Asia. Asian bears are strong and brave. They can climb and swim well. They run very fast. But our bear Tom was born in the West. As his family moved here long time ago for better life.

The weather was so nice. And Tom decided to enjoy it. While taking a walk. He was sometimes happily jumping and dancing. The smile was always on his face. On his way, he met his friends. They played together. Talked. His best friend, another bear. Shared with him: “Our family is moving to a new place. Soon we will be apart from each other”. Tom’s smile immediately disappeared from his face. And he asked:” When will I see you again?”. His friend, hugged Tom and said: “Don’t be sad. You can come visit me any time”. That day, Tom stayed with his friend until late night.

When he came back home, his parents were so worried about him. “Where have you been so late, Tom?” He answered: “I was at friend’s house…he is leaving soon”. Bear mom said: “oh, honey, I am so sorry to hear that. Let me take you to the bed. I will tell you story about “three bears”. And they went to sleep. Once the small Tom was asleep. His mother returned to her husband to sleep too.

Suddenly, in the middle of the night. Tom heard strange noises coming from parents’ room. He quickly jumped out of the bed. He went to the door of his parents’ bedroom. And again, he heard terrible sounds. As he was a small bear. He thought his mother was suffering. He asked himself: “Is my father beating her?”. Tom ran to his room. He knelt down and began to pray: “Please, God! Help my mother. Save her from my father. Please, let them be happy. And not fight”. And he started crying… “Please, I am ready to give out my soul to the devil. If you save her life.”

Next morning. Every thing was fine. His parents were happily talking. They made a breakfast for the family. Tom saw his mother smiling. And he felt relaxed and thought “God heard me”.

Soon, bear Tom decided to visit his friend. It took him weeks to reach the aimed destination. While he was travelling, he met a very interesting animal. A rabbit.  Surprisingly, bear Tom fell in love with the rabbit. But the rabbit was scared of bear Tom. Because, rabbit was so small comparing to the bear Tom. Rabbit said: “Rabbits do not fall in love with bears. Only with rabbits”. And the rabbit ran away. Bear Tom was so upset. His heart was broken. He thought: “I am not a good animal. Nobody wants to be with me”. Crying, the bear continued his trip.

On the way to his friend. Bear Tom met other animals. It was such a wonderful experience. New friends: birds, butterflies and squirrels. They were so beautiful. They had freedom. Some of them could fly so high. And others could clime and move so fast like bear Tom. His heart found peace in their friendship. But he had to go on. He promised them: “I will come back to see you again, my dear friends. You also can always be my guests”.

Later, in the forest, he met predatory and dangerous animals like crocodiles, snakes and even monkeys. These animals were so rude with the bear Tom. They tried to hurt him. Bear Tom did not understand why. And he cried again. He became so angry. And decided to be just like them: angry and rude. He used to fight with them. And they would fight back. Everything around was so dark and scary.

Night came to the forest. Almost all animals went to sleep. The bear Tom saw a dream. In his dream, God came to talk to him. God said: “Remember your parents. They also used to fight, and you were so rude with them. But they always forgive you. I always forgive you too. Remember? You sold your happiness for the sake of your mother’s happiness? And I forgive you for that. This is not what I expect from you. Ask me for anything you want and I will provide you. Ask me for forgiveness and I will give it to you. So, please, be patient. Be merciful. Be kind to others. Even to your enemies”. When Tom woke up in the morning, he ran to the lake where crocodiles, snakes and monkeys were. He told them: “I forgive you. Each of you! I am not mad at any of you. God forgives me. Who am not to forgive you? As soon as he said it loudly, his soul became relaxed. The sun shined. The weather became so friendly. The flowers bloomed. The sun smiled. And the lake clapped.

When the bear Tom reached his best friend. He asked him to give him a paper and a pen. He wrote a letter to God.

Here comes the content of that letter: “Thank you, Lord. Thank you for guiding me. Thank you for teaching me to forgive. I should tell you; I forgive others. And I also forgive myself”.

Bear Tom put the letter into a envelop. Signed it as: From Tom To God. And he left his thought into the box. Hoping it will reach his God.

That day was a special day for the bear Tom. He had a wonderful time with his best friend. They talked a lot. Eat. Played games. When they went to the bed, the bear Tom closed his eyes and smiled. He though, tonight I would receive a message from Him. Respond to his letter.


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