Onatola Abiodun

Country: Nigeria

Onatola Abiodun is from Ikenne Remo Ogun State Nigeria.He is a writer across all genre of literature.He writes to correct societal ills.



Disgruntled spirit jingle the bells of the gods,an innumerable worshipper line up on the street of heaven for services of servitudes.

A returning father stopped at the village shopping mall

To buy goodies for the trillion mouth that shall throws tantrum of tortured thoughts at his welcome…

A traveling mother alight at the nearby cactus farm

To catch the glimpse of the setting sun,

This dying day might be her last…

A being in his fifteen,filthy fifty

Of a shriveled body,a damped soul on a wrinkled faces

Begged the Earth to prolong the expiry of his life…

An infant,agile 

Crawled away from the body of those murdered mother,

After she merry in their pools of blood…

She raced gingerly to the abode of Mr. Death for an easy access to heaven…

An invisible leg,miniature


Alert villagers to run,assuring  a recall after a better day…

An ankle socks,a bowl bow shirts

On half length trouser,sagging

Beckons on people to come…

The headmistress

On skimpy skirt,transparent undies and a billowing blouse


Her faces,torques glass and her heads on old School hair

-calls the pupils to order.

(Catch the tempest and caged the storm! !! !!!)

if you desires a taste from this scent of meal…


 round wring,ranting


They peacefully set the midnight assembly in disarray of arrays…

A grandmother in her fifty seven,seduced a boy of eleven

To help warm ‘her things’ to heaven…

The enemies fighter jet hovered above their heads…

Everyone returned to their mother bowel

For another rebirth,for a new death…

A nursing mother returns to the womb of her children

A serving soldier immersed his things inward of their womanhood…

And another Christ was born in the wake of a dying war…


Every failures open us to a new successes…

Every misfortunes are blessings…

Every Morning redefined granny thoughts

Her morning resolves do silent our night plan

Like the graveyard and cemetery…

Every morning opens granny nerves to something alien to her being

Like the sprout of another cell outwards of the human person,

A bleeding blood blowing below her body of beastiful body…

Every morning do turns granny thoughts to a sing songs,be still

A music do flows from her head to toe

Like the flow of blood through the cells.

Rhythmic rhyme do finds expressionless expression in her hair on strand

Her body do plays percussions while jerking nonsensical,

Her flesh do rivals against her rigid body frame…

Every morning do open us to an untold stories

Of how Nigeria became World’s favorite, everyone longs to live…

And those men of khaki came

And the prosperous future of this country home shrink into their barren womb

For another rebirth,another death.

(This country will be a great place one day

 A place where dreams comes true…)

Oh! Nigeria,when shall you see your good days again

When shall your savior come…?


Poor insect

For how long shall you continue

In your search for blood?,

When will your gospel of bloodletting,sued non continuity?

How long shall your vampires sucked red milk of grief 

From this sickened sickle cell?

Yesterday lunches me into the affairs of today,intruding

While tomorrow became a crippled being

In the moist womb of the future,friendly feud…

I watched a teething mother

Died in the adult hand of her crawling daughter

And the sweet dreams

From my snoring sleep be lost

Into the eye of unforeseen perpetuality…

Your aircrafts,convoys of rhyming unrhythmic


Do fly atop the airspace of our heads…

And I shall tarry on this mountainous mattress

Till my wishes shall begins to hunt you,hurtling…

Maybe,my ears can be tuned to the stations of the gods…


Not this time 

Should this night turns to dawn.

Not this time 

Should this dawn turn to night.

Not this time 

Should this answers turned to enquiries.

Not this time

Should we witness a new 365 days,without our salaries.

Not this time 

Should this poor head be given to unmerited riches

Not this time

Should this bleeding heart be saddled to laugh.

Not this time

Should this land becomes a safe haven of death.

Not this time 

Should this dying breath be revived back to life.

Not this time

Should will look moron

And watched them sell our future

Into the World of fulfilled unfulfillment. 


             (For Benue)

If for this reasons

This life is not worth living 

Let it be…

If for their hidden reasons

Our life is not worth protecting

Let them be…

If they be destine to live

And our life,a mere shrimp prone to dying

For their plan subjugation

Made us an ornaments beads

To be worn on their innocent neck…

If for this protection, protestation of right

Our land be gruelsomely killed,

Let the good deeds of those marauders

Be written on the faces of the massacred

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Add titleOnatola Abiodun

Country: Nigeria

Onatola Abiodun is from Ikenne Remo Ogun State Nigeria.He is a writer across all genre of literature.He writes to correct societal ills.



Disgruntled spirit jingle the bells of the gods,an innumerable worshipper line up on the street of heaven for services of servitudes.

A returning father stopped at the village shopping mall

To buy goodies for the trillion mouth that shall throws tantrum of tortured thoughts at his welcome…

A traveling mother alight at the nearby cactus farm

To catch the glimpse of the setting sun,

This dying day might be her last…

A being in his fifteen,filthy fifty

Of a shriveled body,a damped soul on a wrinkled faces

Begged the Earth to prolong the expiry of his life…

An infant,agile 

Crawled away from the body of those murdered mother,

After she merry in their pools of blood…

She raced gingerly to the abode of Mr. Death for an easy access to heaven…

An invisible leg,miniature


Alert villagers to run,assuring  a recall after a better day…

An ankle socks,a bowl bow shirts

On half length trouser,sagging

Beckons on people to come…

The headmistress

On skimpy skirt,transparent undies and a billowing blouse


Her faces,torques glass and her heads on old School hair

-calls the pupils to order.

(Catch the tempest and caged the storm! !! !!!)

if you desires a taste from this scent of meal…


 round wring,ranting


They peacefully set the midnight assembly in disarray of arrays…

A grandmother in her fifty seven,seduced a boy of eleven

To help warm ‘her things’ to heaven…

The enemies fighter jet hovered above their heads…

Everyone returned to their mother bowel

For another rebirth,for a new death…

A nursing mother returns to the womb of her children

A serving soldier immersed his things inward of their womanhood…

And another Christ was born in the wake of a dying war…


Every failures open us to a new successes…

Every misfortunes are blessings…

Every Morning redefined granny thoughts

Her morning resolves do silent our night plan

Like the graveyard and cemetery…

Every morning opens granny nerves to something alien to her being

Like the sprout of another cell outwards of the human person,

A bleeding blood blowing below her body of beastiful body…

Every morning do turns granny thoughts to a sing songs,be still

A music do flows from her head to toe

Like the flow of blood through the cells.

Rhythmic rhyme do finds expressionless expression in her hair on strand

Her body do plays percussions while jerking nonsensical,

Her flesh do rivals against her rigid body frame…

Every morning do open us to an untold stories

Of how Nigeria became World’s favorite, everyone longs to live…

And those men of khaki came

And the prosperous future of this country home shrink into their barren womb

For another rebirth,another death.

(This country will be a great place one day

 A place where dreams comes true…)

Oh! Nigeria,when shall you see your good days again

When shall your savior come…?


Poor insect

For how long shall you continue

In your search for blood?,

When will your gospel of bloodletting,sued non continuity?

How long shall your vampires sucked red milk of grief 

From this sickened sickle cell?

Yesterday lunches me into the affairs of today,intruding

While tomorrow became a crippled being

In the moist womb of the future,friendly feud…

I watched a teething mother

Died in the adult hand of her crawling daughter

And the sweet dreams

From my snoring sleep be lost

Into the eye of unforeseen perpetuality…

Your aircrafts,convoys of rhyming unrhythmic


Do fly atop the airspace of our heads…

And I shall tarry on this mountainous mattress

Till my wishes shall begins to hunt you,hurtling…

Maybe,my ears can be tuned to the stations of the gods…


Not this time 

Should this night turns to dawn.

Not this time 

Should this dawn turn to night.

Not this time 

Should this answers turned to enquiries.

Not this time

Should we witness a new 365 days,without our salaries.

Not this time 

Should this poor head be given to unmerited riches

Not this time

Should this bleeding heart be saddled to laugh.

Not this time

Should this land becomes a safe haven of death.

Not this time 

Should this dying breath be revived back to life.

Not this time

Should will look moron

And watched them sell our future

Into the World of fulfilled unfulfillment. 


             (For Benue)

If for this reasons

This life is not worth living 

Let it be…

If for their hidden reasons

Our life is not worth protecting

Let them be…

If they be destine to live

And our life,a mere shrimp prone to dying

For their plan subjugation

Made us an ornaments beads

To be worn on their innocent neck…

If for this protection, protestation of right

Our land be gruelsomely killed,

Let the good deeds of those marauders

Be written on the faces of the massacred

That the living for all there days shall read

Their ugly writing, written on the slaughtered necks…

Let the percussions of revival

Be fasten on the faces of that killing gun

Our leg is ever ready to dance it again…

For Benue is a new born baby

Of no mothercare…

Oh!,Dear father 

When shall you return?

For this prospering river

Shall turned a lake of water

To those thirsty of blood…

And our generation thereafter

May live a life of satisfied thirst…

This mass burial is the harvest of Souls

By those gods,unmerited…

The safest of this land

Is the insecure…

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That the living for all there days shall read

Their ugly writing, written on the slaughtered necks…

Let the percussions of revival

Be fasten on the faces of that killing gun

Our leg is ever ready to dance it again…

For Benue is a new born baby

Of no mothercare…

Oh!,Dear father 

When shall you return?

For this prospering river

Shall turned a lake of water

To those thirsty of blood…

And our generation thereafter

May live a life of satisfied thirst…

This mass burial is the harvest of Souls

By those gods,unmerited…

The safest of this land

Is the insecure…

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