Страна: Израиль
Роберт Кийосаки однажды сказал, что каждый ребенок рождается богатым. Он также утверждает, что * «Каждый рождается гением». Я полностью поддерживаю его; только мы, взрослые, стоим на пути детей к творчеству. Mне крупно повезло: ни моя семья, ни учителя в моей далекой сибирской школе не сделали ни малейшей попытки помешать моим многочисленным проявлениям необычности. Таким образом, мое детство и юность прошли под знаком «Я делаю то, что мне нравится и что хорошо получается”: ходила в походы, собирала уличных кошек и приводила их домой, говорила на продвинутом английском, дралась с мальчишками, увлекалась химическими экспериментами и мечтала стать профессор этой науки. Более того, я пишу с того дня, как научилась правильно держать ручку… Перепробовав множество жанров – стихи, записки для мамы на холодильник, объяснения в любви, рассказы, сказки и предупреждения мальчишкам, что я их побью, я успешно разбросала это по всему миру… Мой девиз сейчас — «Писать для детей и вместе с ними». Моя миссия — помочь подрастающему поколению во всем мире (как минимум Евразии) сохранить свои таланты и творческие способности. Мы делаем это через освоение английского языка. *” Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens”, p.15
Country: Israel
Robert Kiyosaki once said that every kid is born rich. He also states, that *“Everyone Is Born a Genius”. I fully support him here; it is only we, adults, who stand in the kids’ way to creativity. I can call myself a lucky person: neither my family nor teachers in my remote Siberian school made the slightest attempt to interfere with my numerous manifestation of unusualness. Thus my childhood and youth passed under the sign “I do what I like and am good at: I hiked, collected street cats and brought them home, spoke advanced English, fought with boys, was crazy about doing chemical experiments, and dreamed of becoming a professor in this science. Moreover, I have been writing since the day I learned to hold a pen correctly… Having tried many genres – poems, notes for mom on the fridge, love letters, stories, fairytales, and warnings to boys that I will beat them, I have successfully scattered that around the world …My motto now is to “Write for & with Kids”. My mission is to help as many children around the world (Eurasia as a minimum) preserve their talents and creativity. We do it via acquiring English. *” Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens”, p.15
Отрывок из non-fiction “Crossworders Gang”
- EFU — English Friendly University, name of our educational institution
- Professor Froggie, the branded educational hero, who laid the foundation for Children University, one of the most active members of our team, co-author of ALL our books, and our teaching material
- Frollar — EFU currency, (frog + dollar) = frollar
- Froggish = frogs’ language
- Students — our young partners, from 4 to 12(14) years old coming to EFU to get some skills
- “The Book Within” = What is the book about?
- Philosophy of the book
- Working title of the book
- The goal of the book
- The idea of the book
- Annotation
- Portrait of the target audience
- 8. Relevance of the theme
- Volume of the book
- The mission of the book
- Competitive analysis
- Last, but not least
- Have you ever held a newly published book in your hands, feeling in seventh heaven with happiness, while flipping its fantastic pages? Have you ever smelled fresh printing ink on the book you have been looking for? What, if it were YOUR BOOK? – Oh, goosebumps! Have you ever seen a kid or heard his story that he had contributed several pages to an adult’s book and got his photo on the cover page?
Thus, we have accepted the idea introduced by Mark Victor Hansen – “The Book Within”- that everyone CAN write a book. In our educational institution EFU we use this idea for easier and more stable acquiring of a foreign language (in this case, English). Therefore, our book is about the right decisions, choices, and the courage to say, “I can do it! I will do it! I am creative!”
- 2. Let me give you the philosophy of the book in brief. Our children’s University consists of five educational parts or Modules. The second Module is called “Professor Froggie Writing Class”. Quite naturally, the philosophy of the book is based on our teaching/learning philosophy and stands on the so-called «transformational» learning that happens through the heart and is much deeper and more reliable in comparison with its opposite, «informational» learning.
- 3. Right now, we have chosen the title “CROSSWORDERS GANG”, but as a team, we are rather accommodating and are ready to discuss and look for titles that are more suitable. Some suggestions may be CROSSWORDERS BAND/ CROSSWORDERS TEAM/ YOUNG CRUCIVERBALISTS, UNITE!
- 4. It was exactly to throw out excess creativity and share it with others. The goal was chosen correctly. I guarantee you, that we hit the top ten: we watched the volcanic eruption! Incredible topics, group formation, collaboration, parents’ participation, rave reviews…Now we know: all kids are born talented!
- 5. The idea of the book is to convey to the minds of children that they CAN DO everything they want.
- «Crossworders Gang» is a unique book for children from different countries under the guidance of Paulina Geibl-Kravts. It was written by young authors and their adult assistants. It may become wonderful help for children and their families to acquire English in a fun way.
- The target audience may be families with several children of different ages with the book traveling from one generation to another.
- We consider that the theme of this book project is not crosswords, stories, poems, or fairytales. It actually does not matter what the child writes. It matters that he writes, that is learns (or, better, acquires) the language with the PURPOSE!
- There are 11,000 pages in the book
- I have been writing since the day I learned to hold a pen correctly… Having tried many genres – poems, notes for mom on the fridge, love letters, stories, fairytales, and warnings to boys that I will beat them, I have successfully scattered that around the world …My motto now is to “Write for & with Kids”. My mission is to help as many children around the world (Eurasia as a minimum) preserve their talents and creativity. We do it via acquiring English.
- I believe that the way we have created our book gives us a strong chance to get a worthy place on the shelves of bookstores. For example, in the Haifa bookshop, I found only one title of crosswords, in Hebrew, practically typewritten by an adult author…I was also sent some pages from London, from a newspaper crossword variant – to be done and thrown away…
Ours is different: created with love by kids with the help of their parents and us, writers. They were not doing just crosswords, they participated in the International project and learned different skills – planning, drafting, proofreading, and sharing (we have had 3 public presentations). They have also learned to teach others, to present things, to be interviewed, and to interview others. Furthermore, our design is happy and attractive. Besides, each crossword is accompanied by the enrichment page, with mini-stories, poems, or pictures on the topic of the crossword.
- How it began… It all started ten years ago. One of our students, having studied at EFU for a full year, got so impressed with his level of English, that he became bored at his school English classes. He misbehaved and interfered with other kids … To “save” his school teacher, his mom’s nerves, and the boy’s “head” we offered him to start writing a book with me and do it during his school teacher classes. Luckily, it changed the situation completely: he started helping the teacher in the classroom, shared his life hacks with his classmates, and after school happily ran to our English Learning Center… Ten months flew away, and on 01 September, he stormed into his school holding the newly published Partridge book “On the Plate Around the World” in his hand, shouting gleefully “I wrote the book!” It was our firstborn. The student and I were nominated for Israel Person of the Year 2014. The boy also developed his English! He is well known now! All the students from our center stood in line to write books in English. Creativity poured out!
After that, we have written two more books with our students, one in Israel, and another in Kazakhstan. “Crossworders Gang” is the fourth book and symbolizes a new step in our program and concept.
Now we are helping other children to experience the joy of holding their own books in their hands!
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