Аскар Айкерим

Страна: Казахстан

Country: Kazakhstan

Рецензия на книгу Сагын Беркиналиевой “Девушка танцующая в небе”

Through poetry Sagyn Berkinalieva opens her world, the world of her soul and her destiny, where her heart was cruelly broken; where she is vain because of unrequited love. Because of cruelty and because of unrequited love, she grows from a tender, vulnerable, emotional and weak woman as a strong, persistent, unshakable woman. In her poem, everyone can find the lost part of their soul. The lines of her poem turns your soul inside out. She can lift you up to heaven and throw you as unnecessary garbage to the bottom of your soul, where there is nothing but holes from the wounds left by the person you loved. The language of the poem is so subtle, gentle and at the same time touches all the strings of your soul and will not leave you indifferent.

She describes her difficult fate, her truth where she has to fulfill certain duties as a woman and that she cannot get out of this circle of obligations, where her hands and feet are chained and cannot do whatever she wants. In the world where she lives, there is no full-fledged freedom for women, and from despair sometimes she wants to become a man. She regrets that she was not born a man who has more privilege than women and does not want to come to terms with this injustice of life and the world. Even in a state of despair over this pain and chain of commitment, she will not let herself break completely. And only poetry, her muse and faith in God keeps her alive and gives strength to move on.

В своей поэме Сагын Беркиналиева открывает свою душу, где живет ее безответная любовь к мужчине, который оставил ее. Она из за жестокости и из за неразделенной любви из нежной, уязвимой, эмоциональной и слабой женщины вырастает как сильная, стойкая, непоколебимая  женщина.  В ее поэме каждый человек может найти потерянную часть своей души. Линии ее поэмы выворачивает твою душу наизнанку. Она может  поднять тебя до небес и выбросить как ненужный мусор на дно твоей души, где ничего нету кроме дырок от ран, которых оставил человек, которого ты любил. Язык поэмы такая тонкая, нежная и в тоже время перебирает все струны твоей души и не оставит тебя в безразличии. 

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