Юлия Боброва

Страна: Россия

По образованию — филолог, преподаватель, переводчик. Пишу эпизодически примерно с 10 лет. Пишу, в основном в стол. Написала 2 драмы. Одну — шуточную, и поставила с группой в день последнего звонка в Университете. Вторую серьезную — ещё не опубликовала нигде. Не могу найти редактора или режиссера…

Country : Russia


Отрывок из элегии  “Yulduz

Kirghiziya, my country dear!

You didn’t call me, but I came to thee.

First, I saw thee in a lonely dream.

Yet, I didn’t know then your real name.

And in that wonder-dream

Thee adopted me as if thine child beloved.


I’m Yuldyz – your daughter,

Captured by Mongolian cruel Khan-Chinghiz,

In Kypchak step I lived in poor yurt.

I died and I returned to life?



I’m your daughter.

Please, recognize me and embrace!

I’m happy,  ‘cause we both’re still alive.

Kirghiziya!  My mother dear

You’re calling – and I do come to thee

I come and softly weep beside

Thy door enormous.

Why weep? I can’t explain.

It’s hard to tell by words.

They’re so shabby, dear, to express

What feelings overwhelm my soul.

I’ve been crying so many days and years.

Yet, no need for you to cry with me.

What do I wish then?

I wish, my darling,

Thou just meet me first and greet

As if I’m thy child beloved,

And thy embrace thee opened to me

And clasped and kept forever,

And never let me off and go anywhere,

And never let me slip away 

to any other world or anyone! 

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