страна: Казахстан
Консультант по PR и маркетинговым коммуникациям, бизнес-тренер, организатор и продюсер первого в Казахстане Фестиваля мобильного кино. Окончила Университет международного бизнеса (UIB) по специальности «Связи с общественностью». Имеет степень МВА Geneva Business School по специальности International Management. Сертифицирована Нью-Йоркской ассоциацией маркетинга NYMACTM Video Marketing. С 2006 по 2008 работала PR-менеджером в компании «Евросеть» в Казахстане, а в последующие 9 лет — в PR-агентстве, пройдя путь от менеджера по работе с клиентами до исполнительного директора. За это время работала с различными компаниями в сферах FMCG, автомобильной отрасли, автоспорта, тяжелой металлургии, медицины и др. В 2017-2020 гг. руководила PR-деятельностью Huawei CBG в Казахстане и странах Центральной Азии. Помимо консультаций, обучения и тренингов, Олеся также организует и проводит онлайн-ивенты. С легкостью подружила свою профессиональную деятельность с творческими увлечениями – написанием стихов, сказок и статей.
country: Kazakhstan
Consultant on PR and marketing communications, business-trainer, organizer and producer of the 1st in Kazakhstan mobile cinema Festival. Graduated from University of International Business, Public relations. Has MBA degree of Geneva Business School in International Management. Certified by New-York Marketing Association NYMACTM Video Marketing. In 2006-2008 was a PR-manager of ‘Euroset’ mobile retailer in Kazakhstan. Next 9 years worked in PR-agency started as account-manager and finished as executive director. There she worked with different companies from FMCG, car, automobile sports, medicine and steel industries. In 2017-2020 lead PR of Huawei CBG in Kazakhstan and Central Asia countries. Along with consulting and trainings Olessya also organizes online-events of different scale. She also writes creative articles, poetry and fairy tales.
Overview of PR industry in Kazakhstan
Public relations is a rather young industry in Kazakhstan. It started to develop around 15 years ago.However, it changes quite rapidly. One of the first industries that started to use PR-strategy and instruments were: ICT-industry, bank sector, mobile telephones, retailers and local film industry. In general, there is a complex of doing public relations where Kazakhstani PR-professionals use all communication channels and tools including media relations, government relations, communication with key opinion leaders,bloggers and others.
Public relations in Kazakhstan are seen to be communication process between the company and the public with regard to the company’s reputation. Public relations in Kazakhstan are also considered to be the information strategy which links the company with media by building relations and establishing contacts with them. Relations are the basics of doing PR in Kazakhstan. The reason is that Kazakhstan is an Eastern country with its own specific cultural and national peculiarities. And relations and contacts are of vital importance.However, the personal contacts in PR should be supported by interesting newsbreak and its significance to media as well as openness of the company to collaborate with journalists.
At present time only big local companies and international companies doing business in Kazakhstan can afford themselves a separate PR-manager working in their staff. Small and medium business prefer to hire outsource PR-agency or specialist to fulfil one-time separate tasks like organizing events, holding interviews, writing articles, etc. There is no a long-term PR-strategy in this case.
There is a lack of strong evidence that media outlets in Kazakhstan are ready to collaborate with big commercial companies. Media count the information from large companies as the information that the brand should pay for due to several reasons. A possible explanation for this might be the fact that the boarders between ‘editorial’ and ‘advertorial’ became blurred. It might be also explained by the issue that there are no so many media in general in Kazakhstani market in comparison with some Western countries or the Russian Federation. It means that the competitiveness between Kazakhstani media is low. As a result, the companies sometimes have no choice – they follow the editorial policy rules. One more reason could be that many media are self-financing. That’s why advertorials is the only source of income for them.
At the same time media representatives sometimes say that PR-managers do not know how to build media relations effectively. They send press-releases which media can not publish. In other words lack of understanding of the journalists’ needs happens to the local PR-pros as well.
As for the gender ratio in PR-profession, the picture in Kazakhstan is close to the global trend – more women than men in PR. In PR industry ofKazakhstan the share of women is around 70%.
PR in Kazakhstan is influenced by global trends with the focus on digital. At the same time there is a horizon of free professional niches and new opportunities. This could serve as an impulse for implementation of various PR-tools and work formats in the profession and PR industry in Kazakhstan. They can be: special projects with media, promotion in social networks and messengers, videos in YouTube and, of course, online events.
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