Страна: Беларусь
Меня зовут Олег Куницкий. Я программист по профессии. Кроме того я люблю сочинять и переводить стихи. Родился в 1986 году в г. Жодино, где также получил базовое общее и музыкальное образование. В 2009 году закончил БГУИР информатики о радиоэлектроники по специальности “Искуственный интеллект”. После выпуска работал программистом по той же специальности в Национальной академии наук Республики Беларусь и в Национальном кадастровом агентстве, где и продолжаю работать на данный момент. Люблю детскую поэзию и английский язык. Поэзией увлекаюсь с детства и пишу стихи на русском, белорусском и английском языках. В свободное время люблю читать книги. Стихи люблю писать именно в тот момент, когда приходит вдохновение и идея стиха полностью сформировалась со своими красками, героями и колоритом. Считаю, что творчество необходимо каждому человеку. Оно позволяет расширять внутренний мир человека, способствует пониманию и разговору между людьми с различным мировоззрением.
Country: Belarus
My name is Oleg Kunitskiy. I’m a programmer by profession. Besides I like make and translate rhymes. I was born in 1986 in the factory town called Zhodino in Belarus where I studied and gained universal primary education at school which including also music classes. In 2009 I graduated the tehnical University of Informatics and Radio Electronics with specialization in Artificial Intelligence where I learned mathemathics and the newest paradigms in programming at such period. After graduating I went to United Institute of Informatics Problems where I worked as a programmer and after several yeas changed the work and became working at National Cadastral Agency where I continue to work at the moment. I love children’s poetry and English. I have been meaning in writing poems since my childhood and writes poems in Russian, Belarusian and English. In my free time I like to read books. I like to write poetry at the very moment when any inspiration comes and the idea of the verse is fully formed with its colors, characters and color. I believe that creativity is necessary for an every person. It allows you to expand the inner world of a person, promotes understanding and conversation between people with different worldviews.
Отрывок из перевода книги Михаила Куницкого ”Путешествия на четырех лапах”
The puppy really wants to play
The puppy really wants to play
But he was wrong enough
To make a mess and bark all day
So loud at the gloves!
There’s no the scoop in the closet!
And where’s the daddy’s socks?
The pet has torn the paperback!
Has scattered our mops!
His nose is smeared with blacking much!
His paws are black with it!
He hasn’t answered where is the lunch
The cheese with our meat!
He made a puddle on the floor
And sits in the corner alone:
«It won’t happen anymore!»
He tells us and asks a bone!
Where are the kittens?
Where are the kittens
Who makes funny tricks?
So fluffy and neatness!
Who plays hide and seek?
I’ll give you some porridge.
I’ve brought you toy rats
To test your cat courage!
Get out soon pets!
I’ll feed you on fishes
My small balls of wool!
Here’s your small dishes
Where yogurt I’ll pour.
The hamster
What’s there Yana has?
There is a pet!
Where’s that yummy else?
Here’s the cheese low-fat!
Here’s the wheat grains
Here’s the corn!
No food remains
The hamster goes on!
Dripping in the bank!
So cheeky and fast!
So funny so frank!
A glutton in the grass!
The puppy is barking at the hedgehog
The puppy is barking at the hedgehog:
«What kind of animal are you?
No paws but turn so strong to poke.
I’ve never seen such a prickly shrew!
Where did you got those vicious needles?
Why are you idling a rough ball!
Are you a toy or a nasty riddle?
What is your name which I may call?»
The snarky hedgehog was offended:
«What have you got for me the pet?
I’m sitting by the hole and ready
To have a lunch with a serpent friend.»
The little pony
Really wants my little pony
To become a circus horse.
I don’t give him pepperoni.
He needs hay for strength and force
To be famous the arena
To be jumping through my hoops.
Go ahead my little winner
Funny knocking with your hooves!
The elephant
A heavy five-ton elephant
It is as tall as a mountain.
There’s cardboard one as well I want
Him on my table to walk and train!
The Umbrella
My Umbrella has been wet
In the rain this autumn.
Let I wipe you with a rag.
What else have you got on?
These are dirt stains on your head!
You are soaked in water!
You are really feeling bad!
Here’s the tea! I’ve brought it.
Let’s unfold you and transform.
We were at the market!
I will cover you with warm
Of my cozy blanket.
So you don’t get sick like that .
Won’t be lethargic.
And you needn’t to get up.
Take a treat of magic!
I will lay you on your side.
On the radiator.
You did everything you might.
Matters will be later!
The days of autumn have just gone
The days of autumn have just gone
And winds and rains are over.
Today is Sunday and I am young
To say: «The day Hallo, Eh!
It’s snowing hard outside all day.
And we are in the forest
To play. I’m lower than my dad
The snowman is the tallest!
The snowflake
Look at my hot pink nose my friend!
A charming thing I’m carrying on.
I’m really saving this snowflake
Of being destroyed and to be gone!
These are the awkward puppy’s thoughts
Who’s running fast and barking at
But now his thing has turned to drops
And flew away from who has met.
The Nastya’s bear has fallen ill
The Nastya’s bear has fallen ill
He doesn’t eat the candy!
He ate much honey for a meal
And now he is extending.
And Nastya treats the bear with tea
The patient doesn’t drink it
Not that he isn’t feeling free
His stomach ache is wicked
The plush toy groans and almost cries
He thought his act was painless
How can this be characterized?
He suffers and so nervous.
But Nastya knows to cure a bear
She is a real doctor!
She treats him well and takes a care
Of him and she won’t drop him.
Happy New year
Look at that snowflakes parachutes!
There is the sky all in white lace!
And so much warmth it can produce
In every soul this airspace!
The winter walking and joking with
The blizzard which surrounding us.
It is a dream of sheer bliss!
The kindness comes with Santa Claus!
The holiday is coming near
And lights and fireworks with it
The Christmas tree! The running deer
Brings gifts and something really sweet!
I will be on a balloon!
I will be on a balloon
Flying to The South Pole!
I can’t stand! I will be soon
There among the snow to stroll!
I will jump on a snow pile
In Antarctica so sharply
Being so angry for a while!
Let the deep snowdrift to wrap me!
Let angina strike my throat
In that very cold snowdrift
if my mom and dad cannot
Give me a penguin as a gift!
There’s a sunny day outside:
«Pitter-patter, pitter-patter! «
Now the sun is shining bright.
Our mood is getting better!
And the spring has come to warm.
Honey birds are pretty chirping
As if happiness is born
In the heart which has been pricked in!
Water flows over the eaves
Knocking with the rain around!
Start to grow the grass and leaves
Nearby my place all sounds!
No more colds and heavy frosts!
Streams is flowing like the wonders!
Of this world which walks across
Our lives to try to drown us!
It is an awkward case!
On a children’s balloon
The puppy in the sky.
Flying in the high noon
Which quickly passing by.
And there are firefighters
So hurrying in the town.
They’re ready on the slightest
The puppy’s falling down.
They’re running to and fro
They’re scared and so keen
On pulling ladders around
And stretching a trampoline.
Someone is nervous to cure
What could be here so wrong?
They haven’t seen for sure
A flying dog along.
It is so happy-go-lucky!
It is an awkward case!
Why can’t a flying puppy
Be in an airspace?
The boa
There is a boa.
The boa, where are you?
-I’m hurrying to be off The Zoo!
I’m stuffy and hot and I desire
To go away from this! Adieu!
I’m crawling on a plane!
I’m sorry! there’s my mom who’s really ill.
My bedroom was on the glass storey
Of the snake box and now I will
To take a flight to Suriname!
— Is that where the Maldives is?
— I need to calling on my mom!
There is the croc to answer this!
Something bad for our hippo
Something bad for our hippo
He is having a toothache.
He is almost hardly weeping
There’s a poultice he has made.
And the cure is like a hot coal.
He is screaming in that pain:
«Anyone there! Call a doctor!
I’m treating that in vain!»
And a doctor is hardly willing
To put the hippo’s mouth to drill in.
The porcupine
There’s a cheeky porcupine.
It’s a rodent of sharp spines.
It intends to occupy
A warm place to guard and fight!
Don’t touch him with your hand
Let him go to where it planned!
The coyote
Doesn’t suffer from night naps
The coyote who sing loud songs.
He sings good about stars,
Distant plains, and lonely stones!
Where fast winds to touch the grass
In which voices of the prairie
Sound good with all the brass!
Where the space is light and airy.
Koozy is a crocodile.
A green dweller of the Nile!
Likes to lie on the potbelly.
Likes to yawn so freely daily.
He eats pancakes and drinks kefir
For the breakfast for that matter.
No one here gets on with him.
No one wants to swim and dream.
The umbrellas
An orange umbrella
Was Floating behind
The beige one so mellow
In drops and in light
— Please wait for… Where are you?
My covering you
From this rain and drying
Will come for you soon!
And after this action
Was said in response:
-You are a polite man
Oh! We are wet cones
In this lovely puddle
I keen on being here!
But something has muddled
My mind it’s not clear
I’m fond of the singing
Of cheerful drops
But I’m so willing
To be on the shore!
(2 оценок, среднее: 5,00 из 5)