Страна : Финляндия
Меня зовут Пуллинен Екатерина. С 2013 года я проживая в Финляндии. Поэзией увлекаюсь с юных лет. Поэзия мне помогает справиться со сложными жизненными ситуациями и эмоциями. Основательно начала заниматься творчеством 5 лет назад. Пишу на английском, русском и немного на финском языке. Публикуюсь в сборниках современной поэзии «Modern poetry» от издательского дома «Арт-сияние». На данный момент пишу так же роман, участвую в писательских конкурсах: «Москва инноваций — 2050», Конкурс сказок на «Волшебной скрижали». В 2019 году участвовала в философском исследовании «Выражение любви в английской современной поэзии: конструктивный подход»
Country : Finland
My name is Ekaterina Pullinen. Since 2013 I have been living in Finland. I have been fond of poetry since my youth. Poetry helps me to cope with difficult life situations and emotions. I began to engage in creativity thoroughly 5 years ago. I write in English, Russian, and a little in Finnish. I publish in collections of poetry «Modern poetry» from the publishing house «Art-siyanie». At the moment I am also writing a novel, taking part in writing competitions: «Moscow of Innovations — 2050», Competition of fairy tales on the «Volshbnaja strizhal». In 2019 I participated in the philosophical research «Verbalization of love in modern English poetry: constructional approach»
Отрывок из сборника стихотворений “A pupped doll”
A pupped doll
A puppet doll in evil’s hands,
She’s not a clever human.
A puppet doll in human’s plays.
A kind of stuff and substance
“And it’s okay!” they said,
“She doesn’t feel a nothing.
She’s only a puppet doll, that’s all,
She never speaks, she is a silent moll”.
“Let cut up dress!” they said with smiling.
They cut her fluffy dress.
A puppet doll was standing naked on the floor
No tears, no pain, and no reflexions.
“Oh, it’s okay!” they said.
“She just a puppet girl, that’s all.
She doesn’t feel, non-even hurt.
She never tells it to no body”.
“It is okay!” they said with greedy faces,
“Let’s cut her wavy, long hair off?”
They’re cutting off her wavy hair.
Her head now bold, she’s holding tears and still not crying
“It is okay!» they said
“She doesn’t hurt.
She doesn’t feel a pain.
She just a puppet doll, that’s all!”
A puppet girl stays bold and naked on the floor.
No tears, no pain, and no reflexions.
“It is okay!” they said.
“She just a puppet doll, that’s all” they said and smiling.
I’ve never been your star
What could I say?
I left you here my honey.
What for I pray?
I lost inside my mind.
It’s not okay,
I leave this town in morning.
But who is care,
About you and I?
What could I say?
I left you here my honey.
You better stay,
It would be best us.
It’s not okay,
I leave this town in morning.
I must pray,
I must pray for us.
I have to say,
I left you here my honey.
I let you go,
We’ve just part of past.
But… it’s not okay
I leave this town in morning
I’ m no more here
So please don’t cry us
Looking at the darkest sky
Stars are shining brightly
They touched my soul
Amazed and wonder why
Why they are so lonely?
Fly away
I can’t hold you tightly
You can fly away
Rain is falling slowly
But it’s stops someday
Time is ticking loudly
Memories and lanes
I will let land down
You will fly away
Everything will vanish
Disappear in the veins
You are falling slowly
Thought my fingers nails
People come and going
Truth inside the rain
Everything leaves, flowing
You will fly away
(1 оценок, среднее: 5,00 из 5)