Страна : Эстония

Аспирант, журналист, писатель.
Публиковалась в литературных журналах России и Эстонии, за роман “Жизнь среди людей” стала лауреатом премии “Рукопись года”.
Country : Estonia
PhD student, journalist, writer.
Her books were published in literary magazines of Russia and Estonia. Her novel “Life among People” won an award “The Manuscript of the Year”.
The city is here:
And electricity.
Lights that can make you blind
Clubs that can make you happy
And drunk
It’s here
The city protects you.
From us.
But in the symphony of all the cars and engines, of wheels and wires
Of plants and factories, of talking and laughter, of rain, of ships arriving from
Far away lands.
Of city’s chaotic music
You always hear a quiet, almost soundless rhythm.
It never stops,
It never ends.
You murmur it when you don’t notice
Drumming this song your weirdly subtle fingers
On the glass,
On the wood,
On the tables’ surface.
It brings you to us.
Again and again.
You try to hide,
You try to be deaf.
You try to be high.
You try.
But our song is always with you.
It follows.
It brings you back
To the hills,
To the hollows.
And dolmens,
And shadowy shimmering lights,
To the four-leaf meadows of heather.
And clover.
Stop hiding.
Don’t you see?
It’s over.
The hills are all yours.
Just take.
They are waiting.
Just come and embrace,
Dance with us with all your grace.
Dance with us.
Dance and forget
All the cities you’ve seen
And you haven’t seen yet.
We are your people,
Not them,
Not them.
Not the cities’ women and men.
Return to us,
Return to the hills.
Maybe not now,
But one day
You will.
Alice and Bob
Alice and Bob are trying to talk to each other
Through the light years
Through galaxies
Through time and matter
They are talking without sending
Neither a single word
Nor a photon
Do they hear each other?
Do they see each other?
Do they know [about] each other? Who are they?
Is Alice a human being?
Does Bob live on the planet?
Or maybe they are only the tiniest
Parts of our
Who are they and how do they talk?
How do they see?
How do they hear?
How do they?
Do they?
Maybe they are an experiment
Of a scientist
Or a writer
Or maybe
It’s all upside down
And they are thinking about us:
You, me, all of us
And we exist now due to
Alice and Bob
And their experiments
How can we know for sure
If objective reality won’t collapse
How can we know if it’s not collapsing
Maybe it is
Collapsing already
And we
Are living the last nanosecond
While Alice and Bob are chatting
Without a word
Without a single photon
And when they hang up
Everything will disappear
You think, you’re immersing in water
But no, you are drowning.
You’re drowning
You’re drowning.
The water is here
It’s above, it’s below
The water surrounds you
Surrounds you
Surrounds you, my love
The ocean is kind, the ocean is yours
It comes to your lungs
To your mind
Like a blessing
Or curse
The ocean surrounds you
The ocean is here